Cauldron Energy
Jonathan is a highly experienced professional with degrees in Law, Finance, and Commerce from the University of Western Australia and Macquarie University, boasting two decades of expertise in the resources and corporate industries. Notably, he served as Chief Financial Officer at TNG Ltd, securing $800M in conditional financing support for the Mt Peake project, and as CFO at Tellus Holdings Ltd, successfully obtaining $160M for the Sandy Ridge facility, while also contributing to corporate advisory roles in the nuclear energy sector in Europe during his tenure at Rothschild. Jonathan is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD) and a fellow of Finsia.
Company News /
by Jonathan Fisher -
A year ago
17 Jan 2024 - The recent COP28 conference held in Dubai, being colloquially referred to as the Nuclear COP, was the first of the regular series of events held by the United Nations…
Interviews /
by Jonathan Fisher -
A year ago
22 Nov 2023 - Jonathan Fisher serves as the CEO of Cauldron Energy (ASX:CXU). Cauldron Energy is primarily engaged in exploration activities, with a specific focus on uranium and c…
Market Reports /
by Jonathan Fisher -
A year ago
22 Nov 2023 - Australian shares are currently trading higher, with strong gains in mining stocks and utilities helping offset a fall in tech stocks following results from chipmaker…
Company News /
by Jonathan Fisher -
A year ago
25 Sep 2023 - Australia’s Climate Change Minister Chris Bowen has been crystal clear on his views of nuclear energy. His latest label; uttered multiple times on the ABC programme Q…
Stock Watch /
by Jonathan Fisher -
A year ago
19 Sep 2023 - Labors anti nuclear stance has nothing to do with economics as they would like you to believe, its all about ideology. And that should worry you.